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How long does it take to raise a salmon?
It takes 24 months from the time we receive fertilized salmon eggs until we have a 3-4 kg salmon ready for slaughter. The first half of the salmon's life takes place in fresh water, and after smoltification it moves to purified seawater.
What does "smoltification" mean?
Smoltification is the salmon's biological adaptation to life in saltwater, where the scales become silvery. At the same time, the gills and kidneys begin to adjust the salt balance by excreting salt so the fish can survive in the marine environment.
What does your feed consist of?
We use 13 different types of feed, depending on the size and development stage of the salmon. The primary content in our feed is plant-based; soy (exclusively certified), wheat, corn, etc. The fish-based content comes from pelagic fish such as sandeel and blue whiting, as well as a small amount of off-cuts from the industry.
Is dye used in the feed?
To ensure our salmon get the familiar color, there is dye in the feed. We use Panaferd, which is an extract naturally derived from marine microorganisms. But besides the color, Panaferd also contains essential nutrients that support the health and well-being of the salmon.
How do your salmon differ from those from conventional salmon farms?
Our salmon has a lower fat content and a firmer meat structure compared to conventionally farmed salmon. In addition, the indoor, protected environment ensures that we do not need to use antibiotics and that we can ensure a parasite-free salmon. This means that our salmon is exempt from freezing requirements and can be consumed raw without having been frozen.
Why is the fat content of your salmon lower?
The oxygen supply in our tanks creates currents in the water that the salmon will naturally swim against. This means that our salmon are stronger and lower in fat than conventionally farmed salmon.
When your salmon has a lower fat percentage, is the Omega 3 content also lower?
Our fat percentage is around 25% below the level in conventionally farmed salmon. But despite this, the concentration of Omega 3 is still high in our salmon. So it's the saturated fatty acids - the unhealthy fat - that our salmon is lower in, while the polyunsaturated fats - the healthy fat - still have a relatively high concentration.
How much of your energy consumption is covered by renewable energy?
23% of our total energy consumption is covered by our own wind turbine and solar cells. The remainder is purchased on green certificates, which ensure that the energy comes from renewable energy sources.
What does FCR mean?
FCR stands for Feed Conversion Ratio and describes how good the fish is at converting feed into biomass. Salmon, and fish in general, are good at converting feed as they are cold-blooded and live in water - this means that they do not use energy to keep warm or stay upright. Our feed quotient is 1, which means that 1 kg of feed gives 1 kg of salmon.
Where can I buy your salmon?
Our salmon can be found in supermarkets, fishmongers and major wholesalers. Find the complete list here