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Gentle on the marine environment
Ved traditionelt havopdræt af laks sker der en betydelig udledning af kvælstof til havmiljøet via laksenes afføring og det foder, der ikke spises. For meget kvælstof er yderst skadeligt, fordi det skaber øget algevækst, mudderbund og tiltagende iltsvind som truer livet i havet. I et landbaseret opdræt, er disse konsekvenser ikke til stede.

I Skagen Salmon RAS-anlæg recirkuleres saltvandet i tankene og renses konstant, hvilket sikrer optimale forhold for laksene. En lille andel (<5%) sendes retur til Kattegat, men først efter 90% af al kvælstof og fosfor er fjernet. Dermed er påvirkningen af havmiljøet minimal.
In land-based farming, there is no risk of salmon escaping and creating "fauna pollution". This means that RAS farming has no consequences for the wild salmon population.
Utilization of by-products
Through the cleaning process, sludge is separated and used to make clean energy in the biogas plant across the road. Trimmings from the slaughterhouse are used in animal feed products. In the summer, the water in the tanks is cooled and all surplus heat supplies Skagen's district heating system.
Energy optimization
At Skagen Salmon we have our own wind turbine on site and our solar cells on the roof are an integral part of our energy supply. Around 20% of our energy consumption is covered by our own wind turbine and solar cells, and the rest is purchased with green certificates from renewable energy.
Eat more fish in general
Fish is one of the most sustainable meat sources in the cold store when it comes to both CO2 emissions and FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio). Fish are cold-blooded, have a low metabolism and efficiently convert feed to meat. Skagen Salmon has an FCR of 1.1. This means that it takes 1.1 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of salmon.